In Foundation, it is important to build onto the basic number skills needed for life e.g. COUNTING. In every Maths session, our class begins by warming up with numbers. The following are just some of the ways the students in Foundation do this.

Singing and dancing to Jack Hartmann as we count.
Buzz Game. Counting in different ways in a circle until you get to the number Buzz. Answer with Buzz.
Number Games such as the cup number line. Guessing the missing number by identifying what
comes before and after a certain number.
Snakes with missing numbers.

Using hands on materials is essential for young students to grasp new concepts in Maths. The class, regularly uses bead frames, number lines, Unifix and the Tens Frame board for counting and number recognition. Even during our remote learning in Term 2 the students were still given the opportunity to use concrete materials – virtual manipulatives.

My favourite warm up Maths counting.

“I like the bead frame,” says Ali A.
“I like the bead frame,” says Mohammad.
“I like the bead frame,” says Ayaan.
“I like the bead frame, “ says Amir.
“I like the bead frame,” says Ali 1.
“I like the number line,” says Arham.
“I like the number line,” says Ali 2.

“I like the bead frame,” says Sajad.
“I like the bead frame,” says Zuhair.
“I like the tens frame,” says Zainab.
“I like the tens frame”, says Abbas.
“I like the tens frame,” says Mortada.
“I like the tens frame,” says Imaan.

“I like the bead frame,” says Mahveen.
“I like the bead frame,” says Layla.
“I like the bead frame,” says Hazine.
“I like the bead frame,” says Janat.
“I like the bead frame”, says Mariam 2.
“I like the bead frame,” says Mariam 1.
“I like the bead frame,” says Sahar.
“I like the unifix blocks,” says Gufran.

Mrs. Tracy Jaap
Foundation Teacher